Carrying My Sword with Pride Queen's Blade Spiral Chaos This is the battle theme of Leina from the game Queen's Blade Spiral Chaos
Added: 14-Dec-2011 From: luisedgarf Snoops: 1669 times
Length: 2:38
Diggles Theme 87 m087 The 87th Theme of 'Diggles - The Myth of Fenris' (origin. 'Wiggles'). Played when you lose the game.
Added: 14-Dec-2011 From: Guest Snoops: 1410 times
Length: 1:49 no rating
We wish you a Merry Christmas song 5 Practice electronic piano Since the song is too fast and too difficult for me, I separated it into several parts and played right hand first.
Added: 14-Dec-2011 From: George Tai Snoops: 3203 times
Length: 0:38 no rating